drawing showing areas within a brain

Lab Mission

The Lab investigates the functional organization and plasticity of the cerebral cortex, with special emphasis on the neural substrates of audition in humans and nonhuman primates.



PBS aired a video segment and published an article for PBS Newhour on Tinnitus research. Click here for the interview with Dr. Josef Rauschecker.


Word Recognition Site

One of the lab’s publications by Dr. Iain DeWitt and Dr. Josef Rauschecker highlights their finding which shows a new word recognition area disputing the commonly known text-book region for word recognition, ‘Wernicke’s Area’.



In 2012, Brannon Green and Dr. Rauschecker were interviewed by NPR regarding their investigations into musical sequencing and how it relates to the memory for sequences.



Check out this podcast in Dr. Rauschecker’s native German language; a Hessischer Rundfunk interview with Dr. Rauschecker regarding his research in the US.


Beat Deafness

As part of their section on rhythm, NPR aired an interview with Dr. Jessica Phillips-Silver on her research with beat deafness



Tinnitus: An auditory phenomenon characterized by the perception of a ringing in one’s ear without any actual source sound. Tinnitus is not a disease, but a condition that can result from a wide range of underlying causes. The LINC studies the underlying causes of tinnitus through fMRI and EEG analysis.  While we do not provide treatment methods for participants, the data the lab collects will hopefully provide a better understanding of the mechanisms involved. 


October 5-9, 2024

Josef P. Rauschecker and Simon Baumann present their research at the Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2024 in Chicago.

October 4, 2024

Josef P. Rauschecker and Simon Baumann present their research at the APAN Satelite Symposium 2024 in Chicago.

September 6, 2024

Xinyu Du, Haoxuan Xu, Peirun Song , Yuying Zhai, Hangting Ye, Xuehui Bao, Qianyue Huang, Hisashi Tanigawa, Zhiyi Tu, Pei Chen Xuan Zhao, Josef P. Rauschecker and Xiongjie Yu published a paper titled “Beyond Auditory Relay: Dissecting the Inferior Colliculus’s Role in Sensory Prediction, Cognitive Decision-Making, and Reward Prediction” in eLife13:RP101142, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.101142.

July 11-12, 2024

Josef P. Rauschecker presents his research at the Salzburg Mind Brain Annual Meeting 2024.

July 10, 2024

Stephanie Rosemann, Hung J. Kim, Subhiksha K. Balaji, and Josef P. Rauschecker present their research on Tinnitus: ringing in the Brain at the 3rd Annual Healthy Aging Symposium at Georgetown University.

July 9, 2024

The lab welcomes IPN student Sofia Montoya.

June 17-21, 2024

Josef P. Rauschecker co-organized TUM/GU Neuroengeneering Summer School 2024 at Technical University Munich (TUM).

January 22, 2024

The lab welcomes Christine Antoniou (Sponsored University Associate).

December 2, 2023

Rauscheckerlab post-doctoral fellow Stephanie Rosemann, Ph.D. (’20-’22) received the 2023 Tinnitus and Hearing Research Award from the Charité Tinnitus and Hearing Foundation, Berlin, Germany, for her research on “Neural changes in tinnitus – correlation to cognitive performance,” performed in Josef Rauschecker’s Laboratory of Neuroscience and Cognition, Center for Neuroengineering, at Georgetown University.

December 1, 2023

Josef P. Rauschecker gave an interview to WYPL Radio – Memphis, TN on the topic of “Sensory Substitution Transforming Visual Images Into Sounds.”



November 27, 2023

Josef P. Rauschecker and Rosstin K. Afsahi published a paper in The Journal of Comparative Neurology titled “Anatomy of the auditory cortex then and now”

November 22, 2023

Paula Plaza, Laurent Renier, Stephanie Rosemann, Anne G. De Volder’s † and Josef P. Rauschecker published a paper in PLOS ONE titled “Sound-encoded faces activate the left fusiform face area in the early blind”.

November 14, 2023

P. Nikolov, J. Lin, C. Cornell, K. Yoon, S. Kim, P. Cox, S. Damera, J. P. Rauschecker and M. Riesenhuber present their research at the Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting in Washington DC

November 10, 2023

Iain DeWitt, Josef P. Rauschecker, Kareem A Zaghloul and Barry Horwitz present their research at the APAN Satelite Symposium Meeting in Washington DC.

August 17, 2023

The lab welcomes visiting Ph.D. student Alireza Malekmohammadi

June 19 – 23, 2023

Josef P. Rauschecker co-organized CNE Summer School 2023 at Georgetown University Center for Neuroengineering.

CNE Summer School Program

June 6-9, 2023

Josef P. Rauschecker presents his research at the symposium “Audiomotor integration for cognition: comparative neurobiology in human and non-human primates” to celebrate the 30 years of the Institute of Neurobiology of the National University of Mexico (UNAM), Queretaro, Mexico. 

May 2023

Alireza Malekmohammadi, Stefan K Ehrlich, Josef P. Rauschecker and Gordon Cheng published a paper in Journal of Neurophysiology titled “Listening to familiar music induces continuous inhibition of alpha and low-beta power”

April 27, 2023

Damera, S.R., Chang, L., Nikolov, P.P., Mattei, J.A., Banerjee, S., Glezer, L.S., Cox, P.H., Jiang, X., Rauschecker, J.P., Riesenhuber, M. publish a paper in Neurobiology of Language titled “Evidence for a Spoken Word Lexicon in the Auditory Ventral Stream.”

April 7, 2023

Stephanie Rosemann and Josef P. Rauschecker published a paper in Nature Scientific Reports titled “Disruptions of default mode network and precuneus connectivity associated with cognitive dysfunctions in tinnitus”.  https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-32599-0

March 9, 2023

Josef P. Rauschecker presents a talk at Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience, Frankfurt, Germany (Celebration for Dr. Wolf Singer)

February 20, 2023

Josef P. Rauschecker was interviewed for Tinnitus Talk Podcast by Hazel Goedhart from TinnitusHub


December 27, 2022

Edmund T Rolls, Josef P. Rauschecker, Gustavo Deco, Chu-Chung Huang, and Jianfeng Feng published a paper in Cerebral Cortex titled “Auditory cortical connectivity in humans” doi:10.1093/cercor/bhac496

November 11-12, 2022

Josef P. Rauschecker and Rosstin Afsahi present their research at the APAN Satelite Symposium and the Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting in San Diego.

November 11, 2022

Josef P. Rauschecker presents his research at SFN Satellite Symposium “Celebration of the Distinguished Scientific Career of Dr. Mortimer Mishkin”.

October 13, 2022

The lab welcomes master student Ian Torres-Figueroa

September 1, 2022

The lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Simon Baumann who will be working on an NIH-funded project on sensory-motor integration in the auditory dorsal stream

August 22, 2022

The lab welcomes master student Areen Almarkhan

August 3, 2022

Stephanie Rosemann and Josef P. Rauschecker published a paper in Hearing Research titled “Neuroanatomical alterations in middle frontal gyrus and the precuneus are related to tinnitus and tinnitus distress” DOI:10.1016/jheares.2022.108595

May 25, 2022

Josef P. Rauschecker presents his Tinnitus research at National Capital Region Tinnitus Support Group Virtual Meeting.


October 1, 2021

The lab welcomes undergraduate student Subhiksha Balaji

September 1, 2021

The lab welcomes undergraduate student Anjul Bhangu

July 12, 2021

The lab welcomes research assistant Rosstin Afsahi.

May 31, 2021

The lab welcomes research specialist Samuel Aderiyanwi Oguntayo.

June 30, 2021, at 1:00pm EDT

Josef P. Rauschecker virtually presents his research on “Where did language come from? Precursor mechanisms in nonhuman primates” at Associação Brasileira de Linguí­stica.

March 1, 2021

The lab welcomes visiting scholar postdoctoral fellow Patrik Wikman who will be working on an NIH-funded project on sensory-motor integration in the auditory dorsal stream.


December 16, 2020

Josef P. Rauschecker virtually presents 17th Foundation Day Lecture on “Auditory Cognition of Speech and Music” at National Brain Research Centre, India.

September 28, 2020

The lab welcomes visiting scholar Stephanie Rosemann, who will work on the tinnitus project.

September 8, 2020

Josef P. Rauschecker published a book chapter in The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference – 2nd Edition titled The Auditory Cortex of Primates Including Man With Reference to Speech.

September 1, 2020

The lab welcomes undergraduate student Alexa King.

August 10, 2020

Maria Fasano, Enrico Glerean, Benjamin Gold, Dana Sheng, Mikko Sams, Peter Vuust, Josef P.Rauschecker and Elvira Brattico published a paper in Neuroscience titled Inter-subject Similarity of Brain Activity in Expert Musicians After Multimodal Learning: A Behavioral and Neuroimaging Study on Learning to Play a Piano Sonata.

June 30, 2020

Denis Archakov, Iain DeWitt, Pawel Kusmierek, Josef P. Rauschecker, et al. published a paper in PNAS titled Auditory representation of learned sound sequences in motor regions of the macaque brain

Mai 21, 2020

Kelly Michaelis, Laura C. Erickson, Mackenzie E. Fama, Laura M. Skipper-Kallal, Shihui Xing, Elizabeth H. Lacey, Zainab Anbari, Gina Norato, Josef P. Rauschecker, Peter E. Turkeltaub published a paper in Brain and Language titled Effects of age and left hemisphere lesions on audiovisual integration of speech

March 2, 2020

The lab welcomes visiting Ph.D. student Alireza Malekmohammadi.

February 26, 2020

The lab welcomes high school internship student Lauren Xu.

January 24-26, 2020

Josef P. Rauschecker presents his research at 43rd ARO Mid Winter Meeting in San Jose, CA.


Josef P. Rauschecker presents his research at the Georgetown-TUM Workshop “Restoration of neural function: Creating a vision for translational research” at Georgetown University.

September 24-25, 2019

Josef P. Rauschecker co-organized the TUM-Georgetown University Workshop with national and international scientific speakers/collaborators at TUM Munich, Germany.

August 29, 2019

Kiki Van der Heijden, Josef P. Rauschecker, Beatrice de Gelder, and Elia Formisano publish a paper in Nature Reviews Neuroscience titled Cortical Mechanisms of Spatial Hearing.

August 26, 2019

The lab welcomes master student Spencer Upton.

May 21, 2019

Josef P. Rauschecker delivers a talk at Edward Chang’s lab at UC San Francisco.

May 18, 2019

JosefP. Rauschecker presents his research at the 12th International Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference in conjunction with the 3rd Cross-Strait Tinnitus Seminar in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 17-19, 2019.

 Josef Rauschecker on Sleep and Serotonin Impact on Tinnitus – #TRI2019

January 25, 2019

Josef P. Rauschecker participated in a podcast with Tinnitus Talk. 


December 2, 2018

Josef P. Rauschecker was appointed Technische Universität München (TUM) Ambassador by Professor Wolfgang Herrmann, TUM President, and Professor Juliane Winkelmann, Senior Vice President for International Alliances and Alumni, at the 6th Research Alumni Forum, Technical University of Munich, November 30 – December 3, 2018.

Die TUM Ambassadors 2018 erhalten Ihre Urkunden im Rahmen des Adventskonzertes Viva TUM durch den Praesidenten der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann; Philharmonie im Gasteig, 02.12.2018; im Bild, v.l.n.r.: Professor Josef Rauschecker, Professor of Neuroscience, Laboratory of Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Department of Neuroscience at Georgetown University Medical Center, USA;TUM Praesident Prof. W.A:Herrmann; Foto: © Astrid Eckert / TU Muenchen; Verwendung frei fuer die Berichterstattung ueber die TU Muenchen unter Nennung des Copyrights

Technische Universität München (TUM) is located in Munich, Germany, TUM is one of Europe’s leading research universities.

Each year, TUM honors a group of select international top-level scientists and research alumni with the title of “TUM Ambassadors” in recognition of their services, acknowledging them as representatives of all the TUM research alumni around the globe.

TUM Ambassadors 2018

Front row from left to right: Prof. Bajram Berisha, Prof. Toshiko Takenaka, Dr. habil. Cornelia Rumpel, TUM Vizepräsidentin Prof. Juliane Winkelmann, Prof. Fuxin Liu, Prof. Alexey Bulgakov.

Back row from left to right: TUM Vizepräsident Prof. Thomas Hofmann, Prof. Sarah de Rijcke, Prof. Gianluca Iaccarino, Prof. Iris Eisenberger, Prof. Josef Rauschecker, Prof. Andrzej Sobolewski (Picture: Astrid Eckert / TUM).

November 2-7, 2018

Lars Rogenmoser presents his research at the APAN Satellite Symposium at the Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting and the Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting in San Diego.

October 22-24,2018

Josef P. Rauschecker co-organizes the Neuroengineering Symposium with national and international scientific speakers/collaborators at Georgetown University.

October 11, 2018

Josef P. Rauschecker delivers a lecture at Neurology and Neurosurgery Grand Rounds at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

September 24, 2018

The lab welcomes research assistant Kevin Quant.

June 3-8, 2018

Josef P. Rauschecker organizes and co-chairs the first international Gordon Research Conference on Neuroplasticity of Sensory Systems in Hong Kong, where he also presents his research.

May 7-9,  2018

Josef P. Rauschecker delivers the keynote lecture “International careers in science-while staying in touch with Germany”, at TUM IGSSE Forum 2018, Raitenhaslach, Germany.

May 3-5, 2018

JosefP. Rauschecker delivers the talk  “Where, When, and How: Towards a Unified View of the Dorsal Pathway in Vision and Audition”, at the CAOS workshop 2018 on Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives, Rovereto, Italy.

April 18, 2018

Xiong Jiang, Mark Chevillet, Josef P. Rauschecker, and Maximilian Riesenhuber, published a paper in Neuron titled Training humans to categorize monkey calls: Auditory feature- and category-selective neural tuning changes.

April 12-13, 2018

Josef P. Rauschecker delivers Jacobsen Lecture in Neuroscience, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY
 “Effects of Sensory Deprivation on the Brain: Plasticity in Early Blindness and Chronic Tinnitus”.

March 14-16, 2018

Josef p> Rauschecker chaired session IV on Cortical Tinnitus Networks and delivered the talk  “New ways forward in Tinnitus Research”, at the 11th TRI Conference and 2nd TINNET Meeting “Disruptive Innovations in Tinnitus”, Regensburg, Germany.


November 24-26, 2017

Josef P. Rauschecker delivers the talk  “Auditory Plasticity After Vision Loss”, at the 4th International Symposium “Low Vision and the Brain”, Berlin, Germany.

November 11-15, 2017

Jessica Phillips-Silver and Maeve Barrett present their research at the Society for Neuroscience conference in Washington, DC.

October 5, 2017

Josef P. Rauschecker delivers a lecture on “Where did language come from? Evolutionary precursor mechanisms in the brain of non-human primates,”  at the 2017 – 2018 Distinguished Lecture Series in Educational Neuroscience at Gallaudet University.

September 6, 2017

The lab welcomes master student Alison Schug.

July 5, 2017

Josef P. Rauschecker delivers a talk on dysregulation of limbic brain regions in tinnitus and chronic pain at the Schön Klinik Roseneck, Germany.

June 20-24, 2017

Josef P. Rauschecker presents his research at the International Neuropsychological Symposium in Sitia, Crete.

June 17-20, 2017

Josef P. Rauschecker co-organizes the international PIRE Workshop with scientific collaborators in Girona, Spain, where he, Dr. Maeve Barrett, and graduate student Hassan Aleem present their research.

June 15-18, 2017

Josef P. Rauschecker delivers the keynote lecture at “The Neurosciences and Music – VI Music, Sound and Health” at Harvard Medical Center. Jessica Phillips-Silver also presents her research.

June 1, 2017

The lab welcomes undergraduate research assistants Kate Kim, Amanda Nelson, Sophia Benson, and Luke Reilly.

May 19-24, 2017

Maeve Barrett presents her research at Vision Sciences Society 2017 at St. Pete Beach, Florida.

April 25, 2017

The lab welcomes visiting scholar Denis Archakov, who will be working on an NIH-funded project on sensory-motor integration in the auditory dorsal stream.

April 15, 2017

The lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Daniel Cameron, who will be working on an NIH-funded project on sensory-motor integration in the auditory dorsal stream.

March 16-18, 2017

Josef P. Rauschecker and Jessica Phillips-Silver present their research at “Cérébration 25e Journée Scientifique” at the University of Montreal Department of Physiology.

February 22, 2017

Michael Ortiz-Rios, Paweł Kuśmierek, and Josef P. Rauschecker (together with collaborators Nikos Logothetis, Dávid Z. Balla, Matthias H. Munk, Georgios A. Keliris) publish a paper in Neuron titled Widespread and Opponent fMRI Signals Represent Sound Location in Macaque Auditory Cortex.

February 6, 2017

The lab welcomes research assistant Amie DiTomasso.


November  22, 2016

Graduate student Peter Jendrichovsky from the City University of Hong Kong presents at a lab meeting.

November  12-13, 2016

Pawel Kusmierek, Jessica Phillips-Silver, and Lars Rogenmoser present their research at the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, CA.

November  11, 2016

Josef P. Rauschecker presents a TED talk on “Tinnitus: Ringing in the Brain” at TEDx Charlottesville.

September 6, 2016

The lab welcomes visiting scholar Lars Rogenmoser who will be working on the tinnitus project.

July 18, 2016

The lab welcomes graduate student Bradley White from Gallaudet University to complete his lab rotation.

July 5, 2016

The lab welcomes undergraduate students Benny Weisman, Sophia Benson, and Luke Reilly as research volunteers for the summer.

June 30, 2016

The lab welcomes visiting professor Mayte Daza-Gonzalez from the University of Almeria, Spain, who will be working on a project with deaf children.

May 31, 2016

The lab welcomes visiting scholar Maeve Barrett, who will be working on a project about multisensory processing in blind humans.

May 26, 2016

IPN Graduate student Laura Erickson (co-mentored by Peter Turkeltaub) successfully defends her thesis titled “Examination of Audiovisual Speech Processes, The McGurk Effect and the Heteromodal Superior Temporal Sulcus in the Human Brain Across Numerous Approaches”. Congratulations Laura!

April 2016

Amber Leaver, Anna Seydell-Greenwald, and Josef P. Rauschecker publish a paper about chronic tinnitus. A figure from this paper is featured on the cover of the April 2016 issue of Hearing Research.

April 14, 2016

The lab hosts guest researcher Ella Striem-Amit from Harvard University for a special PIRE seminar, “The Senseless brain: Sensory-independent brain organization in people born blind, deaf, or without hands”.

March 30, 2016

The lab hosts guest researcher Iiro Jääskeläinen from Aalto University for a special PIRE seminar, “Brain mechanisms supporting comprehension of acoustically degraded short sentences”.

March 22, 2016

Laura Erickson, Josef P. Rauschecker, and Peter Turkeltaub publish a paper in Brain Structure and Function on Meta-analytic connectivity modeling of the human superior temporal sulcus.

March 10, 2016

The lab hosts guest researcher Leo Van Hemmen from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) for a special PIRE seminar, “Learning tinnitus”.

March 8, 2016

The lab hosts guest researcher Petri Toiviainen from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland for the Neuroscience Seminar series, “Studying the musical brain with natural-stimulus fMRI”.

February 8, 2016

Josef Rauschecker is interviewed about a paper on Neural pathways for music by the New York Times.

January 27, 2016

Amber Leaver and Josef P. Rauschecker published an article in the Journal of Neuroscience about the topography of human auditory cortex.

January 15, 2016

IPN Graduate student Brannon Green successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations Brannon!

January 14, 2016

Brannon Green and Josef P. Rauschecker are authors on a paper published in NeuroImage about Early-latency categorical speech representations.

January 12, 2016

Josef P. Rauschecker is an author on a paper published in PNAS about Metabolic connectivity in the resting human brain.


December 16, 2015

Josef P. Rauschecker is mentioned in an article from the McGovern Institute at MIT about recent scientific discoveries on neural pathways for music.

November 10, 2015

Josef P. Rauschecker and Pawel Kusmierek receive a 5-year R01 NIH grant for a project on sensory-motor integration in the auditory dorsal stream.

October 2015

Josef P. Rauschecker and Audrey Maudoux  (together with co-authors Markus Ploner and Elisabeth May of TUM, Munich) publish an article in Trends in Cognitive Sciences about Tinnitus and chronic pain.

September 23, 2015

Josef P. Rauschecker’s work on tinnitus is featured in Live Science, Motherboard, Medical Xpress, Medical Daily, Neurology Advisor, Medical News Today, TUM Research News, and GUMC Stories about uncovering the brain abnormalities responsible for tinnitus and chronic pain.

September 8, 2015

Josef P. Rauschecker and Sophie Scott publish a chapter in Neurobiology of Language about Pathways and streams in the auditory cortex.

September 7, 2015

Josef P. Rauschecker organizes a workshop in Munich about tinnitus and chronic pain, sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Studies, TUM, Munich.

August 28, 2015

Iain DeWitt and Josef P. Rauschecker publish an article in Cortex about Auditory single-word comprehension.

May 18, 2015:
NPR airs a story about cochlear implants and music, with Jessica Phillips-Silver.

May 15-20, 2015:
Paula Plaza presents a talk at the Vision Sciences Society meeting, titled: “Rewiring the visual cortex of the congenitally blind: Seeing faces with the ears activates the left fusiform face area”.

February 8, 2015

Paula Plaza and Jessica Phillips-Silver are featured in a GUMC article about the neuroscience of music and movement in the blind.

January 25, 2015

GUMC releases a press release about an article in Hearing Research that investigated how cochlear implant users can hear and feel the beat in music.


November 15-19, 2014:
LINC members present their research at the 2014 Society for Neuroscience meeting in Washington, DC.

June 24, 2014:
NPR airs an interview with Jessica Phillips-Silver about beat deafness.

June 22, 2014
Anna SeydellGreenwald, Erika Raven, Amber Leaver, Ted Turesky, and Josef P. Rauschecker publish a paper in Neural Plasticity.

June 1, 2014:
Laura Erickson, Brandon Zielinski, Jennifer Zielinski, Guoying Liu, Peter Turkeltaub, Amber Leaver and Josef P. Rauschecker publish a paper in Frontiers in Psychology.

February 5, 2014:
Paweł Kuśmierek and Josef P. Rauschecker publish a paper in the Journal of Neurophysiology.


November 10-13, 2013: 
LINC members present their research at the 2013 Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego.

November 6, 2013:
PBS airs segment on Tinnitus and interviews Josef P. Rauschecker of LINC at Georgetown University. 

March 27, 2013:
Biao Tian, Pawel Kuśmierek, and Josef P. Rauschecker publish a paper in PNAS: Analogues of simple and complex cells in rhesus monkey auditory cortex


November 8, 2012:
LINC lab members discuss their exciting research findings with NPR during Society for Neuroscience meeting in New Orleans, LA: The Beatles’ Surprising Contribution To Brain Science.

April 5, 2012:
New article published in Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience: Cortico-limbic morphology separates tinnitus from tinnitus distress. See our publications page for details.

February 15, 2012:
New article published in Journal of Neurophysiology: Sound-identity processing in early areas of the auditory ventral stream in the macaque. See our publications page for details.