Anna Seydell-Greenwald

Anna Seydell-Greenwald, Ph.D.
Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.), University of Giessen, Germany (2009)
Diploma in Psychology, University of Goettingen, Germany (2006)
Anna’s research has included a variety of topics, including response priming and the effects of attention on response priming (working with Thomas Schmidt), decision making in sensori-motor control (working with Julia Trommershauser, Sergei Gepshtein, and David Knill), and visual depth perception, particularly the role of Bayesian priors in determining how different, potentially conflicting visual depth cues are integrated into a coherent percept (working with David Knill). Previous stations of her research were the Department of General and Experimental Psychology at the University of Goettingen, Germany, the Department of General and Experimental Psychology at the University of Giessen, Germany, and the Center for Visual Science at the University of Rochester, NY. She joined Dr. Rauschecker’s lab in May 2009 to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying tinnitus, using human psychophysics and (f)MRI.